LifePlan Testimonials


“I chose to do a LifePlan because I wanted reasurance that I was headed in the right direction, and needed a bit of a nudge in that direction. I was looking for something going into the process – I really needed to be okay letting go of things in my life that I am good at, but that do not bring me the joy I want out of life.

The LifePlan has helped me to do exactally that! I now have confidence when I say no to things that are not alligned with what I want to do and where I am taking my life.

One of the highlights of the LifePlan for me was how it took a snapshot of my life and allowed me to personally identify things that my high and low points had in common – it was a big eye opener. I also love my Core Values and my Reason for Being – I have them posted on my wall above my desk and they serve as constant reminder that I am on the right track!

I wouldn’t have changed a thing about the process! It was amazing and the value I have received has far exceeded the investment! Working with Diane was such a great experience. She truly has a gift for knowing how to get you to break through the blocks in your own mind and find the answers you are searching for on your own.”

Tanis Roeder
Elevate your Communication

Boettcher Foundation

“My main reason for considering LifePlan was to grow and gain directly both personally and professionally. I loved how easy it was to “dig deep, “ and because of the repetitive nature of the planning, you easily slip deeper and deeper into thoughts/wants/feelings about your past life and current/future goals. It happened to me without me even noticing!

LifePlan helped me clarify why I had been making certain decisions, and to identify the steps I needed to take to tackle other issues I was facing. It has also helped me to continue to prioritize effectively between overlapping worlds of mine. Diane does amazing work; it was easy to just be open and honest, and it definitely gave me a much clearer perspective.”

Tiffany Anderson
Director, Scholarship Program
Boettcher Foundation


“I absolutely loved it and it continues to impact me both personally and professionally. The replenishment cycle was absolutely amazing. I have used it personally and professionally over and over again. Even though I have done a ton of coaching, it was surprising how much value I received from taking this unique view. Diane’s facilitation made the process come to life. Her facilitation is what created the safe space for me to explore and open up.

As I present more, I realize that sharing myself completely is a key to my getting our message out. The life plan process helped me realize this and take a deeper look at my path – past, present and future. Her questions were deep, full of curiosity and thought provoking. She created through her leadership and care the environment for me to do the work.”

Jamie Shapiro
Connected EC


“After 20 years managing my own consulting business, I thought that participating in the LifePlan process would be useful for me. I really loved the entire process, but the part that resonated with me most would be the Life Gates and Talent/Heart assessment– as these have helped me make good decisions on new opportunities. LifePlan has been a catalyst for the ongoing activities, both personal and professional, I want to do in my life.

What I really appreciated about the LifePlan process was Diane’s approach. She explained thoroughly the agenda for the 2 day process, which was time well spent.  Diane set the stage and tone of the day beautifully with the David Whyte poems. I felt cared for, appreciated and she helped me think through things – she is an excellent facilitator. I’d highly recommend this process and Diane as their coach to people in mid-careers or experiencing transitions in their life.”

K.J. McCorry
Officiency, Inc.