Old What’s New

  • The Leadership Investment organization of Denver announces that Diane Zile assumed the Chair role for The Wise Women Council in February 2016. The Wise Women Council and The Leadership Investment work to achieve a greater awareness and understanding of the value each gender brings to teams, organizations, and communities. Learn more about these organizations here…
  • Check out the latest organization that “We Recommend” to help you grow a healthy business, IMPACT EMPLOYEES! Learn more about their use of social recognition, social feedback and idea generation in today’s business environment here…
  • Diane Zile joins the Lee Hecht Harrison organization in the capacity of adjunct Executive Coach. LHH equips leaders with the mindset and skills to take ownership for their words, actions, and results and help leaders align around new strategies, navigate change, improve team effectiveness, and build a more capable, engaged, and productive workforce. Learn more about LHH here…


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