StratOp Testimonials


“I knew of JERA Partnerships and Diane’s work from my colleagues at the Boettcher Foundation having seen the results of the StratOp process there. We had developed a strategic plan at the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation in 2013. There was a great strategy, but implementation proved more challenging than expected. We needed to revisit the mission, vision, and roadmap in order to operationalize our plan. My big question for Diane was, “How do we make this happen?” And she helped us find the answers.

The impact of StratOp has been significant. In addition to operationalizing our plan, we were transitioning through a significant leadership and cultural change that needed to be addressed. As part of the StratOp process, we sat down as a team and revisited the history of the Foundation which began to bring everyone quickly onto the same page. Things began to change even more rapidly with the introduction of “The 4 Helpful Lists.” Some individuals were overwhelmed by the initial process, but I’ve watched their development through the creation of their own Action Initiative Plans. Simply put, they feel empowered. Our team alignment and commitment is now really cohesive!

Diane is a wonderful facilitator; she adeptly facilitated a group that wasn’t all on the same page at the same time. As a leader, I felt Diane’s unwavering support throughout the process, which meant a lot.”

Jane Hopkins
Executive Vice President
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, Inc.

Boettcher Foundation

“I met Diane through both the LifePlan and StratOp processes when I returned to the Boettcher Foundation after a loaned executive opportunity at the Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation.  As a leader, I had grown, the Boettcher team had grown considerably, and I wanted to ensure alignment going forward. I found the StratOp tool to be fluid and adjustable; enough so that the process can meet any type of organization’s needs.

I believe that the first responsibility of a leader is to build other leaders.  Execs often “decide and delegate.”  StratOp is not a “decide and delegate” process.  StratOp includes people in the process, and  as a result, they are engaged.   The process trains them to become leaders, in part, by allowing them to take ownership and see the big picture, ultimately understanding better how and why  certain things are higher priorities than others.  It has encouraged people to raise their hands and assume leadership roles at the Boettcher Foundation.  With everyone involved, leadership responsibilities are now shared throughout the organization.  I love how the team has grown through the process.”

Katie Kramer
Vice President and Assistant Executive Director
Boettcher Foundation


“StratOp was referred to us by a few people, one of whom was a teammate who had experience with the process at her previous company. Revolar was at a pre-launch stage of growth, and a good strategy session with the team was needed so we could gain alignment; StratOp was the best choice for us.

We were beyond pleased with the session; Diane is an incredible facilitator, and we uncovered a number red flags within the business. All of it was great! But I have to say, diving into the W.I.N. Wheel was the best thing for our team because it provided us with the focus, clear direction, and goals we needed to reach a successful launch. StratOp impacted our ability to really look at the business as a whole and better understand where our gaps were. And, it gave us the framework to focus and set realistic goals.

The JERA Partnerships facilitation added a great amount of ease to the whole process. Diane is one of the most incredible people I have ever met and a true partner to Revolar now.”

Andrea Perdomo
Vision Activator


“I would highly recommend the Paterson StratOp Process. Our organization was at a crucial crossroads with regard to long term strategy development and execution.  We were confident this process would help us identify our needs and define a way forward.  It was a great way to encapsulate our history and provided a clear picture of our strengths, weaknesses, and needs.  While the process requires a significant time commitment, I think this was worth it as we now have a clearly defined strategy for moving forward.  We are a non-profit organization and I think many other non-profits would benefit from this kind of strategic thinking as it is so often lacking in our industry.  Diane was an excellent facilitator.  She did an amazing job of keeping the group on track, providing insight, and delivering a polished final product.”

Stephen Weitz
Producing Ensemble Director
Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company